Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Genetic Engineering

In this new post I want to talk about the genetic engineering, a science that we use since several years selecting individuals of one species with characteristics that satisfy our needs or likes, for example some plant species like the fruit of the banana, that formerly was a fruit with seeds that would have a different texture if it still had them, another example are the varied dog races that we have created in the same way as the plants. After that we have done big step in this science, it has been found the existence of DNA, a molecule that keep the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all know living organisms and many viruses. Also it has been possible to sequence all the genetic information which makes up a living being. And a recent discovery it´s the CRISPR method, that it´s being investigated to make specific changes in a genetic sequence.
Wild dogs from Africa.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

My Favourite Piece oh Technology

Due to the versatility given by the design and applications, I choose the smartphone. It's a cellular phone that have funtions of a computer, like a cell phone, you can call and send messages, also you can download different apps that help you specifically. I use this apps to send messages with ....

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Expections for a new semester

In this year at the university I'm studying some new subjects like Math II, Statistic and Programming, and other elective subjects, for example Science and Technology Legislation, that is interesting for my me to learn, because with this information I can help to improve the development in Chile; and other elective subject is Modern Agronomy that also is interesting because explain all about agronomy, like plant composition, fertilizers, climate and soil, and the different works and techniques applicable to plants.
Also I'm dedicating some time to sports, like rugby and trekking, I like to be in a good shape to do sports so I have to be constantly training. All this is complemented with my love for natural places, I like to feel, understand and live in landscapes that have little contact with the human being.

Taranaki Falls, New Zealand

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Another Biography

After 3 years the things can change, or not. In my case the motivation are the same, keep learning and growing in a sport and the same with a career. The changes have been seen in the injuries that have difficulted some moments and the change of career,which has taken me to want research in different areas of the biology  and his phenomenon.

About the sports,I still like the rugby, but to keep growing in this sport I need a lot of commitment and this has taken me to learn about other disciplines that help to get a better development. They keep on inspiring me players like Ma’a Nonu, Mike Brown or Richie Mccaw and some news like Nehe Milner-Skudder and Waisake Naholo.