Tuesday 1 April 2014

  I'm Horacio Blanco Zárate, I was born in Valparaíso, but after a month my family went to live to Chiloé,with me.In Chiloé,at elementary school I studied at  Escuela Rural Yaldad,after I went to study at Instituto Nacional in Santiago, where I finished my studies and begin to study veterinary medicine at the Universidad de Chile.
  In Santiago I'm living with my grandparents,they have a plot with many local trees of the region and others of other places. 
  One of my favorite activies is the sport, I play rugby and basketball in the university.I was playing rugby at CRIN and  Cai Cai Rugby Club.My favorite rugby players are the New Zeland Byron Kelleher, Ma'a Nonu, Jonah Lomu and the british Mike Brown.

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